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43 results by rating in Other (clear search)

An introduction to organisational structures and the resources in the Community Resource Kit.

Information about umbrella groups and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of organisational structure.

Information about formal organisational structures, the advantages and disadvantages.

Steps towards being a good employer.

Some things to think about when you first consider setting up a community organisation.

An introduction to record-keeping and the record keeping resources in the Community Resource Kit.

What are policies and why do we need them?

Things to consider when deciding which organisational structure is right for you.

Helpful tips for organisations who have decided to apply to become a registered charity, making sure you have all the…

A legal handbook about social enterprises in New Zealand.

A Project Brief is a key document that outlines the scope, scale and detailed requirements of your proposed project.

A Tika Transition, developed by Maria Bargh, is what a just transition can look like in Aotearoa.

This webinar looks at the re-registration process for societies under the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

Find out what steps are involved in setting up a whenua Māori trust or incorporation.

A high-level guide with themes and questions to help charities navigate legal risks.