Administration Communication Direction Evaluation Finances Governance Leadership People Relationships Technology Volunteering Other

58 results by date in Administration (clear search)

Four important policies most organisations will need to consider: health & safety, complaints, volunteers and Te Tiriti o Waitangi Treaty…

Developing policies for your organisation.

A charitable trust is one of the main legal structures that community groups may consider as a way to operate.

Volunteers, including governance members, often play a significant role and make a big contribution to the work and/or direction of…

Helpful tips for organisations who have decided to apply to become a registered charity, making sure you have all the…

A computerised accounting system is the best option for most organisations as it will allow you to manage your finances…

Privacy Act 2020 - protecting people's personal information and actively caring for and maintaining your physical and digital records.

An introduction to record-keeping and the record keeping resources in the Community Resource Kit.