Hui E! Community Aotearoa

Email Address
Phone Number
+64 27 36 38 665

Hui E! Community Aotearoa weave collective voices and drive equitable systems change so that communities, hapū and iwi can do what they do best.

They fulfil their vision through their work with community rōpū.

Hui E! champions and tautoko the mahi of thousands of community groups, hapū and iwi across Aotearoa New Zealand:

  • Community rōpū / groups and tūao / volunteers reach out to Hui E! for advice, learning, networking, advocacy and more.
  • They tautoko community rōpū / groups and tūao / volunteers with skills, partnerships, and a voice at the tables of power.
  • They represent community rōpū / groups and tūao / volunteers with external groups, government, philanthropic funders and business.
Organisation Size
Large, Medium, Small
Organisation Stage
Developing, Established, Starting Out
Serves the following communities
Any sector

Resources from Hui E! Community Aotearoa

Tātou tātou features interviews with community leaders discussing their challenges, focusing on how they manage their wellbeing and support others.

Learn from your peers who demonstrate their favourite tech team tools - Office 365, Slack and Asana.

Providing insights and guidance on alternative pathways for setting up a charity and accessing funding.

Learn to craft powerful, concise statements that resonate with stakeholders and potential funders.