Volunteering New Zealand

Email Address
Phone Number

Tūao Aotearoa Volunteering New Zealand is an association of volunteer centres, and national and regional organisations with a commitment to volunteering in Aotearoa New Zealand.

They started in 2001, the International Year of the Volunteer. The sector, Volunteer Centres and the Department of Internal Affairs were all part of our creation, and their purpose is to be a national voice for volunteering.

Volunteering New Zealand's aspiration for Aotearoa New Zealand is that volunteering is valued as part of who we are as a nation. We thrive and are enriched by the goodwill of volunteers in every community and their contribution and impact is recognised and supported.


Organisation Size
Large, Medium, Small, Very Large
Organisation Stage
Developing, Established, Starting Out
Serves the following communities
Any sector

Resources from Volunteering New Zealand

Stuart Garland presents on volunteer impact assessment and volunteer strategy.

Lila O’Farrell shares best practice and practical techniques to help you support your volunteers who deal with crisis and trauma.

Johann Go explores how organisations can effectively recruit, retain and recognise young volunteers.

Many volunteer organisations work with vulnerable people, so it's crucial to protect them and volunteers from potential risks.

A new tool to support volunteer engagement based on what volunteers need and offers easy steps for you to meet…