He Kete Mātauranga

Created: May 29, 2024 at 4:05 PM | Updated: May 29, 2024 | By NZ Navigator Trust

Te kauawhi i ngā pūnaha o te mātauranga Māori 

Embracing Māori knowledge systems

He Kete Mātauranga is a space for supporting communities to realise their aspirations and build climate resilience through Māori knowledge systems and frameworks. 

Through the eyes of mātanga Māori, He Kete Mātauranga explores what mātauranga Māori means to different communities, and how we can shift our understanding of the part we all play in climate response.  

Mātauranga Māori Knowledge Systems

Mātauranga Māori knowledge systems take many forms, guided by time, locality, observation, practise, wisdom and tikanga. From pūrākau passed down through generations to modern technology, the effects of our changing climate require both old and new indigenous-led solutions. 

Published by Climate Connect Aotearoa.

Nā tāu rourou, nā tāku rourou, ka ora te iwi. With your basket, and my basket, the people will flourish.