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59 results by rating in Administration (clear search)

Upgrade your financial management with modern cloud accounting software. Streamline processes and access real-time data.

A list of all the contents in the Community Resource Kit divided into topics.

Download compliant templates for charitable trust deeds and variations under the Trusts Act 2019.

Four important policies most organisations will need to consider: health & safety, complaints, volunteers and Te Tiriti o Waitangi Treaty…

Developing policies for your organisation.

A charitable trust is one of the main legal structures that community groups may consider as a way to operate.

Information about how to keep and manage effective records for your organisation.

An operational plan is the yearly business plan for your group.

Information about governance and its critical role to ensure that your organisation's governing body works well and that there…

Learn about your privacy responsibilities under the Privacy Act, including how to collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information.

Information about conflicts of interest and how to manage them, including an example conflict of interest policy.

Volunteers, including governance members, often play a significant role and make a big contribution to the work and/or direction of…

Use this checklist of policies and procedures to make sure you have everything covered

An introduction to record-keeping and the record keeping resources in the Community Resource Kit.

What are policies and why do we need them?

Steps involved in developing policies and procedures.

Information to help you organise an effective and efficient filing system.