Community Resource Kit

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I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho

A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions

The Community Resource Kit is your go-to guide for establishing and managing community groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. Whether you're part of a small, emerging group or a well-established organisation, this kit is designed for you. It's also a valuable resource for kaiwhakahaere / manager, kaimahi / staff, tūao / volunteers, and advisors supporting these groups.

Whakamihi / Acknowledgements

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the individuals who have contributed as writers or reviewers to the Community Resource Kit.

Whakapapa of the Toolkit

Originally published in 1993 as the Community Development Resource Kit by Charities Services / Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai and Ministry of Social Development / Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora, ownership of the toolkit was transferred to NZ Navigator Trust in 2018. The current online edition is regularly updated by NZ Navigator Trust. We try to keep the information in the toolkit accurate and current. If you find any mistakes or have suggestions, please let us know. Listing a resource or organisation in the toolkit doesn't mean we endorse them. And just so you know, the toolkit isn't meant to give legal advice.

Organisation Size
Medium, Small
Organisation Stage
Developing, Established, Starting Out
Serves the following communities
Any sector

Resources from Community Resource Kit

A list of all the contents in the Community Resource Kit divided into topics.

An introduction to New Zealand's diverse community and voluntary sector, including community, hapū, and iwi groups.

Project management/planning refers to separate, distinct projects, events or programmes.

Some things to think about when you first consider setting up a community organisation.

About the stages of an organisation's lifecycle, development and typical characteristics.

An introduction to planning and the planning resources available in the Community Resource Kit.

Information about the strategic planning process, analysis tools, and drawing up your strategy.

An operational plan is the yearly business plan for your group.

A marketing plan forms part of the wider operational planning.

Many community projects and programmes are started by the imagination and passion of one person, or group of people, wanting…

A risk is a current or future factor or event that could negatively affect the project, service or programme you…

A plan is only useful if it works in practice.

An introduction to organisational structures and the resources in the Community Resource Kit.

Things to consider when deciding which organisational structure is right for you.

A table to compare the different types of legal structures and their characteristics.

Information about unincorporated groups - the key features, rules and processes, advantages and limitations.

Information about umbrella groups and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of organisational structure.

Information about formal organisational structures, the advantages and disadvantages.

Information about incorporated societies, the key features and rules, and the changes with the updated Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

An outline of the process of setting-up an incorporated society.

A charitable trust is one of the main legal structures that community groups may consider as a way to operate.

The following steps outline the process for setting up a registered charitable trust.

Information about companies, cooperative companies, industrial and provident societies and Māori land trusts.

Information about Charities Services and registering as a charity.

Information about the dissolution and winding-up of a charitable organisation.

Governance is about how an organisation is run.

Information about governance and its critical role to ensure that your organisation's governing body works well and that there…

While the model of governance may vary for each charity, there are common core roles and governance functions that need…

Information about governing body officers and the key role they have in your organisation.

Tips for managing governing body meetings to make them stimulating, fun and productive.

Find out how to establish the right governing body processes for the smooth operation of your organisation.

What are policies and why do we need them?

Developing policies for your organisation.

Steps involved in developing policies and procedures.

Use this checklist of policies and procedures to make sure you have everything covered

Four important policies most organisations will need to consider: health & safety, complaints, volunteers and Te Tiriti o Waitangi Treaty…

Find out how to run efficient and productive meetings.

Information about running formal meetings with established agendas and procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of decision making - the process of deciding about something important, especially in a…

An introduction to record-keeping and the record keeping resources in the Community Resource Kit.

Information about how to keep and manage effective records for your organisation.

Information to help you organise an effective and efficient filing system.

Learn about your privacy responsibilities under the Privacy Act, including how to collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information.

An introduction to financial management and other financial management resources in the Community Resource Kit

Information about financial plans, budgets and cash flow forecasts.

More about the treasurer's role and responsibilities, financial records, filing income invoices and paid accounts, and petty cash.

Upgrade your financial management with modern cloud accounting software. Streamline processes and access real-time data.

About monthly reporting, keeping track of grants, year-end financial statements and auditing.

Information about annual returns and financial statements.

Read about your organisation's tax obligations, including PAYE, GST and ACC - includes links to Inland Revenue (IRD) resources.

A quick introduction to fundraising.

An introduction to successful fundraising.

A checklist of funding options - including local fundraising, membership, donations, professional sponsorship, and fundraising consultants.

Online fundraising - build a strategy that makes people aware of your organisation, gets people to care about your cause,…

A guide and checklist to consider when applying for funding.

Steps towards being a good employer.

New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment provide a free series of guides which cover areas employers have requested…

The Workplace Wellbeing project between the NZ Council of Social Services, the NZ Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations, Community Waikato…

Volunteers, including governance members, often play a significant role and make a big contribution to the work and/or direction of…

This is a list of places to go for employment-related information.

An introduction to communications and the communication resources in the Community Resource Kit.

Information about communications plans, the process, and a communications plan template.

Working with the media to tell the story about your organisation.

How to communicate with central government - community participation is a vital part of our democracy.

More on the different ways to communicate with local government.

An alphabetical list of terms found in the Community Resources Kit, with brief explanations.