Employer Guides

Created: September 19, 2013 at 11:10 AM | Updated: September 2, 2020 | By Community Resource Kit

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment4

New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment offers a range of free guidance to help employers follow good processes when employing staff.

MBIE's free guides cover areas employers have requested further assistance with: health and safety, hiring new employees, pay, holidays and leave, performance management and ending employment relationships. The guides contains checklists of the main things employers need to know and links to further information.

Employer Guides 

Here is an overview of the key issues in employment relationships.  

Health and Safety

A safe and healthy work environment is essential. Not only will it help avoid tragic and costly accidents, but good health and safety practices encourage staff retention. It also positively contributes to improved productivity, efficiency and profit.


Finding and retaining the right people is vital to every business. Recruiting can be expensive so it makes good business sense to get the people that are right for your enterprise, and keep them.


Everyone expects a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. Ensuring that your employees receive the right pay creates good morale, increased efficiency and helps you avoid damaging employment relationship problems.

Holidays and leave

Employees having R&R and spending time with their families is vital to your organisation. It's also important to know how to assist employees who are sick or suffer a bereavement.

Performance Management

People work better when they have clear targets and perform to agreed standards. That's why it's critical for your employees to know what is expected of them. Managing their performance in a fair and clearly defined way also helps avoid problems later.

Ending employment relationships

If the time comes to end the relationship, it's important to understand and implement the correct procedures. It's the best way to avoid any costly mistakes which can also damage the reputation of your organisation.

How to Hire Guide for Employers

Employment New Zealand has a useful guide on how to hire employees. Download the guide here.

Free online tools to improve your employment processes

MBIE also provides tools and services designed to make management simpler and free up time for small employers to concentrate on the bigger picture. These tools help you implement good health and safety, and employment relations practice. They can be found here


Next page: Workplace Wellbeing

Previous page: Introduction to employment

Contents of the Community Resource Kit