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17 results by date with tag: Volunteers (clear search)

Use this health & safety reporting form from Forest & Bird to help you design your own.

Virtual volunteering is volunteering using the internet, offsite from the organisation in a range of tasks.

A new tool to support volunteer engagement based on what volunteers need and offers easy steps for you to meet…

Stuart Garland presents on volunteer impact assessment and volunteer strategy.

Lila O’Farrell shares best practice and practical techniques to help you support your volunteers who deal with crisis and trauma.

Johann Go explores how organisations can effectively recruit, retain and recognise young volunteers.

Many volunteer organisations work with vulnerable people, so it's crucial to protect them and volunteers from potential risks.

Volunteers, including governance members, often play a significant role and make a big contribution to the work and/or direction of…

New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment provide a free series of guides which cover areas employers have requested…

The Workplace Wellbeing project between the NZ Council of Social Services, the NZ Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations, Community Waikato…