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Information about Charities Services and registering as a charity.

Information about companies, cooperative companies, industrial and provident societies and Māori land trusts.

An introduction to New Zealand's diverse community and voluntary sector, including community, hapū, and iwi groups.

A risk is a current or future factor or event that could negatively affect the project, service or programme you…

An introduction to planning and the planning resources available in the Community Resource Kit.

Information about incorporated societies, the key features and rules, and the changes with the updated Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

Information about the dissolution and winding-up of a charitable organisation.

While the model of governance may vary for each charity, there are common core roles and governance functions that need…

Information about unincorporated groups - the key features, rules and processes, advantages and limitations.

Learn about your privacy responsibilities under the Privacy Act, including how to collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information.

A quick introduction to fundraising.

This is a list of places to go for employment-related information.

An introduction to communications and the communication resources in the Community Resource Kit.

Information about conflicts of interest and how to manage them, including an example conflict of interest policy.

An introduction to successful fundraising.

A plan is only useful if it works in practice.

Information about financial plans, budgets and cash flow forecasts.

Find out how to establish the right governing body processes for the smooth operation of your organisation.