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32 results by rating in Finances (clear search)

Upgrade your financial management with modern cloud accounting software. Streamline processes and access real-time data.

A list of all the contents in the Community Resource Kit divided into topics.

About monthly reporting, keeping track of grants, year-end financial statements and auditing.

Read about your organisation's tax obligations, including PAYE, GST and ACC - includes links to Inland Revenue (IRD) resources.

A checklist of funding options - including local fundraising, membership, donations, professional sponsorship, and fundraising consultants.

A guide and checklist to consider when applying for funding.

Information about annual returns and financial statements.

Online fundraising - build a strategy that makes people aware of your organisation, gets people to care about your cause,…

An introduction to financial management and other financial management resources in the Community Resource Kit

The reporting standards for registered charities and the preparation of financial statements that comply with the standards.

A quick introduction to fundraising.

An introduction to successful fundraising.

Information about financial plans, budgets and cash flow forecasts.

More about the treasurer's role and responsibilities, financial records, filing income invoices and paid accounts, and petty cash.

Learn how to write a winning grant application with this free resource, offering examples of good and bad applications.

This Strategic Grants checklist has 12 grant-seeking points to cover off before submitting any grant application.