Administration Communication Direction Evaluation Finances Governance Leadership People Relationships Technology Volunteering Other

37 results by rating with tag: Administration (clear search)

A list of all the contents in the Community Resource Kit divided into topics.

Four important policies most organisations will need to consider: health & safety, complaints, volunteers and Te Tiriti o Waitangi Treaty…

Information about how to keep and manage effective records for your organisation.

An operational plan is the yearly business plan for your group.

Learn about your privacy responsibilities under the Privacy Act, including how to collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information.

Use this checklist of policies and procedures to make sure you have everything covered

An introduction to record-keeping and the record keeping resources in the Community Resource Kit.

What are policies and why do we need them?

Steps involved in developing policies and procedures.

Information to help you organise an effective and efficient filing system.

Helpful tips for organisations who have decided to apply to become a registered charity, making sure you have all the…

Templates to start you off with the preparation and documentation of your Annual General Meeting