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70 results for "strategic planning" (clear search)

A table to compare the different types of legal structures and their characteristics.

A list of all the contents in the Community Resource Kit divided into topics.

Information about the strategic planning process, analysis tools, and drawing up your strategy.

About the stages of an organisation's lifecycle, development and typical characteristics.

Developing policies for your organisation.

An alphabetical list of terms found in the Community Resources Kit, with brief explanations.

More on the different ways to communicate with local government.

Information about how to keep and manage effective records for your organisation.

Information about communications plans, the process, and a communications plan template.

An operational plan is the yearly business plan for your group.

Information about governance and its critical role to ensure that your organisation's governing body works well and that there…

Project management/planning refers to separate, distinct projects, events or programmes.

Information about governing body officers and the key role they have in your organisation.

Online fundraising - build a strategy that makes people aware of your organisation, gets people to care about your cause,…

An introduction to financial management and other financial management resources in the Community Resource Kit

Governance is about how an organisation is run.

A risk is a current or future factor or event that could negatively affect the project, service or programme you…

An introduction to planning and the planning resources available in the Community Resource Kit.

While the model of governance may vary for each charity, there are common core roles and governance functions that need…

This is a list of places to go for employment-related information.