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An outline of the process of setting-up an incorporated society.

Volunteers, including governance members, often play a significant role and make a big contribution to the work and/or direction of…

Information about umbrella groups and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of organisational structure.

An introduction to organisational structures and the resources in the Community Resource Kit.

Many community projects and programmes are started by the imagination and passion of one person, or group of people, wanting…

More about the treasurer's role and responsibilities, financial records, filing income invoices and paid accounts, and petty cash.

Information about formal organisational structures, the advantages and disadvantages.

Steps towards being a good employer.

Some things to think about when you first consider setting up a community organisation.

Use this checklist of policies and procedures to make sure you have everything covered

An introduction to record-keeping and the record keeping resources in the Community Resource Kit.

What are policies and why do we need them?

Tips for managing governing body meetings to make them stimulating, fun and productive.

Steps involved in developing policies and procedures.

New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment provide a free series of guides which cover areas employers have requested…